Monday, May 30, 2005

Putting things in perspective

The Boys Out There

It is the veteran, not the preacher
who has given us freedon of religion

It is the veteran, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

I is the veteran, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the veteran, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to assemble.

It is the veteran, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the veteran, not the politician,
who has given us the right to vote.

It is the veteran, who salutes the flag,
who serves under the flag,
whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Well it has been a decent weekend so far. My sister had a get togethor at her house on Saturday. Man, I got tore up from the floor up!!! I got to hang out with my best friend in the whole world who I do not see much. We laughed and partied all night. I felt like crap most of the day today, but it was definately worth it.

Tomorrow, i have to go see my dad and attend a Memorial Day service. My Dad and I don't get along that well so this should be interesting. Plus my estranged wife is going. We have been seperated for almost a year now, so my day is pretty much shot before it even starts. Thank god my brother is going to be there or I would probably freak out and kill everybody.

I did hang out with my cute little neighbor chick for awhile today. Things did not get as weird as I thought. Though I have a feeling that I am headed for trouble, but hey, it just wouldn't be me if things weren't complicated.....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What a week

Well it has been an interesting week so far. I have been extremely busy at work. The week started off with me having a fling with my much younger friend who is also my nextdoor neighbor!! Talk about starting things off with a bang. Now I am worried though that things are going to be weird between us. She comes over and hangs out at my house a lot andI just hope its not all awkward and crap. She is pretty cool little punk rock chick. I guess I will find out tonight. She is supposes to come over later.

I had to go to the State Capitol for a couple of days to go through the most boring training that has ever existed. It sucked. The only good thing was the little corner bar that was by my hotel. The traing sucked, but the partying was goooood!!

Then today, I fired someone!!! I know its kind of cruel to enjoy that, but I don't give a fuck. It Rocked!!! This person was a complete jackass so I don't feel too bad. So know I am drunk with power, and probably later on tonight I will be drunk on other things.

That is all.

Monday, May 23, 2005

A little Tip

Never use an iron when you are dressed only in Spider-Man boxers......OUCH! Lets just say that ole Spidey won't be slinging any webs for awhile.....

Sunday, May 22, 2005


In my opinion, you have the worst hangovers after getting a good shine on from drinking wine. God, what a headache.

The Tao of Steve was actually a pretty good and introspective movie.

Getting a new tattoo is the closest thing to a spiritual experience that I have had.

Is foreplay better than the actual sex.....sometimes.

I cannot wait for the Fantastic 4 movie to come out later this summer.

I think GreenDay's American Idiot album is the best album of the last 10 years. It just edges the White Stripe's Elephant.

I absolutely refuse to say "excuse me' after I belch.

I could eat steak and/or burritoes for every meal and never tire of them.

Whoever invented the Jack and Coke should have a National Holiday.

these are but a brief glimpse into the Gospel of WarHAmmer....

Friday, May 20, 2005


Lately I have been a tad depressed. I have come to the understanding that I am no longer a young carefree juvenile delinquent. I am now in charge of peoples' lives. I am the Coordinator for CILA homes, and just recently I became an investigator for the Office of the Inspector General. That means I have to process crime scenes and collect evidence and interview witnesses for any case that involve abuse or neglect of disabled individuals. I could be responsible for helping put people in jail or at the least ruining there careers. Thats just a bit more responsibility than I am used to, and it pretty much scares the pooh out of me. I still feel like that wild anti-establishment punk, but the weight of responsibility has really caught up with me. I never thought this day would come. I still fight the good fight in my own way, but I'm just not that in your face kid anymore, and it makes me sad.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Hangover Monologue

So as I was lying on my couch with a pretty good buzz going, watching the room spin and feeling my stomach turn I believe I hit upon a few moments of pure clarity. I met a girl last night, and had a pretty good time hanging out with her. We sat and had a few drinks and just talked while the music played in the background. Thats all it was, just a few moments of fun. Isn't that enough though? She gave me a smile after one particular witty comment that made me believe in all things good. I think the greatest misconception in this screwed up world of ours is the concept of love. Love is the most overrated ideal I have ever been apart of. Who decided what love is and how long it should last? People spend their whole lives looking for their soulmate or their one true love. It is the biggest waste of time. Their is simply no such thing. Why can't love last a moment, and hour, a day or whatever? It is the moment of here and now that is important. If you can find a happiness or a gratification in this moment then you are living. When that moment passes don't feel sorry for yourself, feel good that you were able to experience that moment, and then live the next moment. That is all life is anyway, a series of moments. Why not enjoy them? I don't need forever, I need right now. Everyone is afraid of death or dying. Thats crazy!! Everybody is going to die, that should be the excuse you need to live every moment because you have no idea what moment is your last. You can find bliss in any moment. I shared a great moment with this girl last night, and I will probably never see her again, and that does not bother me becuase I lived to the fullest in the moment we did share. Isn't that love at is purest form? I know some may read this and think I am a bitter person. They could not be more wrong. I am extremely happy in my own way. Sure I have a cyncal view of the world, but anyone close to may age (I'm 32) who grew up in the day and age that I did almost has to be cynical. That does not mean that I am wrong though. I look forward to the next moment I experience. Maybe more will happen or possibly less, but that does not matter because the experience of the moment is what is key. For Gods sake people live and love in the moment and for the moment because when you really get down to the guts of it the moment is all we have....until the next moment can be lived.

Monday, May 16, 2005

weird feeling...

So I found this evening that an ex girlfriend of mine is getting married. I am not really sure how I feel about this. I have to admit I was a tad startled when I first found out. She and I used tolive togethor back in the day, and we were pretty hot for awhile. I haven't spoken to this girl in a couple of year, but I have thought about her from time to time. We split up amicably, and have since gone our seperate ways, but it was still weird to hear this news. Oh well, I guess that is what they invented alcohol for.

Work blows.

I get so tired of having to go to a JOB everyday. I wish there was some way to make money and do nothing. I have considered male prostitution but the clientele would be a bit creepy. At least I am the boss. That rocks. The power is addicting. Sometimes I tell my staff "no" just to see them get pissed. I know its wrong, but what the hell. Whats the use of being in charge if you can't have any fun.

Virgin post

Yes this is my first time. So be gentle...