Sunday, May 29, 2005


Well it has been a decent weekend so far. My sister had a get togethor at her house on Saturday. Man, I got tore up from the floor up!!! I got to hang out with my best friend in the whole world who I do not see much. We laughed and partied all night. I felt like crap most of the day today, but it was definately worth it.

Tomorrow, i have to go see my dad and attend a Memorial Day service. My Dad and I don't get along that well so this should be interesting. Plus my estranged wife is going. We have been seperated for almost a year now, so my day is pretty much shot before it even starts. Thank god my brother is going to be there or I would probably freak out and kill everybody.

I did hang out with my cute little neighbor chick for awhile today. Things did not get as weird as I thought. Though I have a feeling that I am headed for trouble, but hey, it just wouldn't be me if things weren't complicated.....


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