Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Green Day!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a complete fool for Green Day. I caught them in concert last year, and it was a hell of a show! I even went as Billie Joe for Halloween last year( he and I also share the same birthday, how cool is that??!!) Well anyways, here is one of my favorite songs!

"Give Me Novacaine"
Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore
Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight and
everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
So give me Novacaine
Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling, that’s alright
Jimmy says it's better than here,
I’ll tell you why
Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine
Oh Novacaine
Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me Jimmy I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Best Store Ever!

That's right kiddies, I'm talking about Hot Topics!! Is there a more cool store in this universe? I think not!! Well anyways, I got sort of conned into going shopping yesterday. For the record, I am not a good shopper, as I tend to hate people and waiting in arbitrary lines. So anyway I sucked it up, and was a good sport and went along for the trip. Initially it pretty much sucked, until I was able to find my oasis in among the preppie and trendy little stores. ( Is khaki like the only thing people where anymore! I mean give me a fucking break. I felt like I was in the French Foreign Legion! If you could see me, I am actually shivering in disgust.) There it was shining like a beacon calling me home...the black entrance way with the slightly muffled sounds of Blink182 wafting out into otherwise lame-ass mall. I knew I was saved!! I nearly ran across the mall knocking preppies, and hair sprayed college girls out of my as I succumbed to the calling of my salvation!!

Walking through that dark tunnel like entrance is a spiritual event! The store was not quite crowded, but I knew I was back among my people. The music, the clothes, the accessories. the really cool South Park toys....I was home. The sights and sounds and aromas were almost intoxicating. I love the smell of attitude. I had been saved from the false promises of commerce by the in your face rebellion of Punk!! I of course made a few purchases so my day was not a total lost. Hot Topics.....the promised land. They also have some of the greatest T-shirts ever!! to top it all off....I scored the cashier chicks phone number!!!!!

Anyways, here is what I bought:

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Internet Wanderings...

I was surfing the net and ran across this pic. I thought it was cool and so I decided to share which is odd because I am usually not that nice. Anyways, enjoy....

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yep, She Loves Me

My dog Layla that is. Here she is:

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She has been with me for the past 7 years. She was dumped when she was only about 5 weeks old, and I took her in, and as luck would have it she decided to adopt me. She is named of course for the great rock song from one of the greatest musicians in history one Eric Clapton. (I tried to name my oldest son Eric Clapton but my then wife vetoed it). Layla has been with me through the best and worst of times, and I think she is the only female that has ever truly understood me. She still gets really excited when I come home which is cool because not even my kids do that anymore!! Layla can read my emotions perfectly, and always know when I am having a bad day because she will come and put her head in my lap and look at me with her eyes as if saying "buck up camper things will get better". She is the only dog that I know that enjoys a good burrito as much as I do and she seems to have a passion for Bud Lite. She loves to sit on the couch with me and watch movies and baseball and doesnt mind my yelling and swearing when my teams loses. Its amazing how attached you can become to a pet. I know that I care about what happens to Layla more than I do for most members of my family. Ah tis true friendship...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Its a Tattoo World

So I am getting my new tattoo this weekend, and I am realy excited. Its going to be on my right shoulder and will include some medieval weapons, Chinese symbols, possibly a setting son or maybe a thuderstorm, and my youngest son's name. I am getting it done at American Inkwell.

Here is there site

Here is a couple pics:

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The guy kneeling down, did the dragon that I have on my left leg. He does really good work.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I blog therefore I am

For those of you playing along at home, I have not been the most active blogger, I am going to try and improve on that. Being witty is hard work though so who knows how long this surge will last.

I have found myself in the unique postion lately of really starting to dislike my job. I just had my one year performance eval, and my boss commented that it seemed to her that I had lost my enthusiasm for the job, and she is right. I don't know, I think I need a change, and I don't just mean with work. I feel like I am an old ninyl LP that has a scratch on it and it is stuck in one spot repeating the same thing over and over again. I hate feeling like that. I don't know what I am going to do yet, but it is definately time to make some changes both professionally and personally. I need to find some way to re-energize myself. If anyone has a suggestion, I am open to ideas.

Here are a few random thoughts and concepts that have been runing around the inside of my head:

I have a deep aversion to the MSN MySpace. I am not sure why other than they have become so popular, and I generally dislike popular things.

My house has become entirely to quiet; so much so that it is deafening at times.

Is it weird that to feel a genuine friendship with someone you have never actually met?? That one is a toughy

I have been using the term "shitballs" quite frequently. I don't know why other than it sounds funny and cracks me up.

I am very close to coming to a decision that is long overdue, but the potential consequences of are pretty frightening.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Momentary Lapse of Reason

I know it has been forever and a day since I have last blogged, but I have a lot of shit on my mind that I need to get off my chest. I have had a pot and a half of coffee and I am buzzing like mother fucker!

Life, what a kick in the sac this is. If there is one thing I have learned is that there is no guarantee that you have anymore time than right now. You only get one go round on this ride so you better make it count. I have literally been bludgeoned over the head with that point time and again this past year, and you would think I would have learned my lesson. Well, I am here to tell you that I have! No longer am I going to waste my fucking time worrying about the stupid shit. You have to live this minute like it is the best minute of your life, and then move to the next minute and live that one the same way because my friends these minutes are we all have. There is no guarantee that you will be given a second more. Happiness is fleeting temptress and a concept that I have never been all that fond of, but the opposite, regret, can eat you alive. I lost a real opportunity at something special with an incredible person this past weekend because I was so caught up in stupid bullshit and kept putting off doing what I knew in my heart to be right because I thought there would be time. Well the sand in my hourglass ran out and she is gone and I am left here haunted by that evil bitch Regret.

You are the only person in this world that truely knows what makes you happy. If anyone else gets in the way of that and tries to tell you different then fuck them and shame on you for listening. You absolutely have to take the risk and go for it because this moment is it. Stupid shit happens all the time for no good reason. A close friend of mine was killed last summer in a stupid bullshit accident. I know for a fact that he he thought he had time to get the things that he wanted, well life stepped in and took it all away. I will be God Damned if that is going to happen to me. If you can find someone that makes you happy then by God you have to experience it. Even if friends and family think that it is a mistake, but that is their job. They look after you and they wouldnt be good friends if they didnt worry about you and want to help, but when it comes to what you know will make you happy then they have to but the hell out. I am not talking about true love or other such concepts, I am merely referring to what makes you happy. You may even know in your heart that this person isn't "the one" but that they make you happy and feel good for right now then dammit you have to go balls to the wall and live it. I am as cynical as they come, but damn if I can someone that makes me feel good then there is no way in hell that I am letting them slip through my fingers again. I fucked up big time. Who knows if another opportunity will makes it way to my door again. I wasted my minute, and it has cost me dearly.