Man am I tired. I dont think I have slep at all this weekend. I went to a party on Friday night, and that is pretty much the last thing I remember. Gotta love those lost weekends! Its starting to catch up to me though as now I feel like I have been hit by a very large SUV. I hate Sundays. They always seem togo fast and they are just a prelude to the work week that lies ahead like a long barren wasteland until the next weekend once again brings salvation. At some point over this weekend, I must have twisted my knee because it hurts like hell and swollen to a nice size. I choked down some pain pills, but they are not helping so instead I am limping around like some kind of geezer. I am hoping that the swelling will be down by tomorrow because I really dont feel like sitting at my desk in pain all day. Oh Well, that is all for now.
I hate Sunday's too. For that same reason.
Oh and this weekend coming up is a 3 day weekend! Eeeee!
Me? Or Hammer?
Either or I suppose. :P
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