Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Deny it, but your conscience bleeds belief...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Its been a few weeks since I have blogged so I figured I better remedy that. The only problem is that I do not have anything to blog about. Life has gone on lo these many weeks much as it has done for weeks on end. I work, I hang out, I spend time with my kids, meh its all pretty tame. So for those expecting a witty read I apologize in advance for the rather ordinary ramblings that will be forthcoming. On second thought I don't apologize. This is my blog dammit, go find your entertainment elsewhere!!! You sicko voyeuristic perverts.... you're my kind of people!

As I mentioned nothing really new has been going on. My oldest son has started playing football this year. I am enjoying this way more than I thought I would. He plays wide receiver on offense though they rarely pass, and then he plays middle linebacker on defense. He got his first interception last Saturday which was cool. It was the last play of the first half and it saved a potential touchdown by the opposing team.

My work, though still important has grown rather stale. I am getting increasingly burnt out and have been actively looking for something different. I have submitted a few resumes but so far nothing promising has tunred up. My boss has gotten on my last nerve and if I don't find something new soon there good be an incident!

I just got Terry Brooks' new book Armaggedon's Children. I have only read the first few chapters but so far so good. I have my reservations about this one but will withhold judgement until I have finished reading it.

The personl life is going well as usual. I am enjoying dating several women and I am seemingly adding new ones all the time. I have possible plans this weekend to spend some time with someone, but have as of yet made up my mind. I may follow the advice of someone wise and in the know and pass.

I got seriously licquered two weekends ago. I started on a friday and really did not stop until sometime Sunday morning. I learned a valuable lesson that weekend. I think I am getting too old for that kind of partying!! The mind was willing, but unfortunaley the body was unable to keep up. You should have seen me that Sunday morning, it wasn't pretty. I have a really horrid pic but don't think I want to post it. I looked like something a cat might hock up. It was a fun weekend, but I paid for it.

There is really nothing else to report. As I mentione life has been going on much as it has in the Hammer household for quite awhile now. I have no real complaints other than I am looking at an empty glass at the moment. I think I shall have to remedy that as well. Hope all is well with everyone out there...ah, who am I kidding? I don't really care! Later Taters!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ultimate Survey

This is to keep myself in good standing with Court!

Full Name: I don't think so...
Nicknames: WarHammer, Hammer, Bee
Hometown: The Hog Captal of the World
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Neither, I don't eat salad
Favorite Sald Dressing: See above
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: yes
Do you make fun of people: on occasion
Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
Best Online freinds: Court, Darcia, Armadillo
One pillow or two?: two
Pets: 2 dogs Layla and Gambit
Favorite Type of Music: Punk or heavy alternative
Hobbies: reading, writing, cigars, baseball, Fantasy Football
Dream car: don't have one. I could care less as long as it gets me to where I want to go
Type of car you drive now: Pontiac Aztec and a Buick Century
Words or phrases you overuse: For fucks sake!
Toothpaste: Crest
Favorite Food: burrito!
Tattoos and Piercings: I have four tattoos, one on each limb, and I have my left ear pierced
Most Romantic thing thats ever happened to you: I don't think its happened yet
Do you get along with your parents: for the most part
Favorite Town to chill in: anywhere out west
Favorite Ice Cream: I hate ice cream
Favorite Softe Drink: Diet pepsi
What's your bedtime: whenever I collapse
Addidas Nike, or Reebok: Nike
Favorite perfume/Cologne: don't really have any
Favorite Song at the Moment: toss up between Hinder's Lips of an Angel and Three Days Grace's Animal I Have Become
Favorite Website:I have many I go to but none that I would call a favorite
Least Favorite Subject in School:Math
Most Humiliating Moment:I don't get humiliated. I usually just go with the moment
Loudest Person I know: firend of mine's girlfriend
Craziest or Silliest Person you know: That would encompass just about everyone I know
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
What do you look for in someone of tyhe opposite sex: someone who does not need to be taken care of and is not afraid to speak their mind. Quirkiness is also a major turn on
Things I've learned from life: It is entirely too short
ICQ#: I have no idea
Favorite Number: 5
Favorite Color: black but I like all dark colors
Greatest experience in your lifetime: Watching my kids being born
who means the most to you: my kids
Drinking Habits: depends on my mood, but I do so enjoy a certain mixed drink...
Windows/macintosh/Unix: Windows
Favorite Quote: All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. ---Edgar Allan Poe

Monday, August 07, 2006

Shameless Self Promotion Part Deux

Yes this is another plug for a short story of mine. This one is titled Faith and a Hammer, and it will be appearing in the September issue of The Writer's Post Journal. Here is a sneak peek at the cover of that issue:

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This is a more traditional Fantasy story featuring one of the genre's most beloved Races. It tells the story of a young Dwarf and how he learns what it means to be considered a man in Dwarven society. As always if you want more info about the magazine click on LBF Books in my Believers in the Gospel area. That is all...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Water Heaters, Vacations, and Storms...Oh My!

Well I just returned from a mini vacation with my kids last night. We had a great time, but I have officially gotten my first sun burn ever, and it hurts like a fucker! My back and shoulders are deep fried and blistering nicely. We went to a place called FunCity so as you can imagine it was It had a huge waterpark, and a 10, 00 square foot arcade among other things (like a $1.50 Margarita night!) A good time was had by all!

The day before we were scheduled to leave, I noticed I had a rather large pond in my basement! I felt like I was trapped in the underground tunnels in Paris. I was waiting for the Phantom of the Opera to pop out at any time and break into song! My water heater had rusted through on the bottom and was flooding the basement. So I gathered up my kids two by two and called a plumber friend of mine and he hooked me up with a good deal on a new water heater. The stupid water in this town is awful. There is a natural source of radium in the bedrock of this city. For those playing at home, radium is a major carcinogenic and when it breaks down it turns into a lovely little gas known as carbon monoxide!! They tell you it is ok to drink, but if you drink too much your piss starts glowing in the dark so I tend to stay away from it.

Last night upon returning a nice storm blew into town. It has been so fucking hot here lately that it is almost unbearable. For those unfamiliar with the midwest it not only gets hot 95-100 degrees, it gets so humid you can't breath. Its like having a huge rock sitting on your chest. It gets like a swamp here. This is how it has been the last week. I just saw a thing on the news that said this has been the hottest week on record which goes as far back as the mid 1800's. Welcome to my world! The result of all this built up heat and humidity is of course major thunderstorms! Now I love a good storm. In my opinion there is nothing better or more invigorating than a wicked ass thunder storm. Last night was different however, as I have never seen something so fierce. I have to admit I was a little worried there for awhile. The electricity went on and off all night which is a pain in the ass and the wind was ungodly. I stayed up and watched the whole thing unfold, and it reached a fevered pitch around 3am. I almost woke the kids up and went to the basement which would have been a first. Gods what a monster!

Oh well that has been my last few days in a nutshell. More later!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Black Cherry

This stuff is the absolute shit!!!!

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I picked a bottle of this up on some advice from a friend, and I think I am in love! I have consumed the majority of this bottle, and I must say, I am feeling pretty good....

Friday, July 21, 2006

Shameless Self Promotion

This is a plug for a short story of mine that is going to be published in the August edition of The Writer's Post Journal. Here is a look at the cover:
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It is an interesting peek into the mind of a fledgling serial killer as he gets his first taste of murder. If you want more info on the magazine click on the LBF Books link in the Believers in the Gospel section.

Later Days and Better Lays All