Friday, June 10, 2005


Man I am glad this week is almost over. It wasn't a really bad week, but it was busy. I had to deal with so many stupid petty problems that I could literally jump in front of the next bus and end it all. I swear sometimes my staff is made up of children. They act slower and more confused than the clients we help. I feel like I have to hold their hands through everything. I have a meeting with them today, and I am going to clean house and lay down some law. I just want to climb up on the table and scream as loud as I can for them to grow the hell up. Don't get me wrong, I love being the boss, but sometimes its a real pain in the ass.

On a happier note, it is Friday, and my new Cigars will be waiting for me when I get home!! I got a box of Helix. So there will be plenty of Cigars and Jack consumed this fine weekend. I have a get togethor planned for Saturday. I will be grilling steaks and mixing drinks!!! A good time will be had by all.....


Blogger Grilled Cheese Samurai said...

Throw one on the grill for me...I'll be right their after I do a beer run...!

June 10, 2005 11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a mixed drink!!!!

YAY! Weekend!!!!

June 11, 2005 1:04 AM  

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