Thursday, June 02, 2005

Life in General

I was just sitting around last night and it dawned on me that for the first time in a pretty long time, I was content. This past year to year and a half has been fairly tumultous. At times I have felt overwhelmed and disgruntled with the direction my life was taking. The past two months however things have seemed to calm down. I took a new job, and that has been a huge burden lifted.

My wife and I seperated a year ago, and the after effects of that have finally mellowed out. I have my own house and space which is nice. I am a pretty misanthropic person so Its nice to have some alone time.

I have some friends that I am close too, and have been able to hang out with more often. My Brother and I have been mended a rift and gotten close again. Things just seem to be leveling out for me, and for the first time in forever, I feel good about what I am doing and who I am doing it with.

Oh sure I am still the king of poor decison making skills but now I don't feel so overwhelmed by each decision. I don't know, maybe its the Jack Daniels doing the talking....


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