Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bad Day

I have just had the shittiest couple of days. Wednesday I had to get up early and drive forever to get to a bullshit seminar that I didn't really need to go to. It got out early which was nice, but my day was still shot because I had to drive 3 hours all the way back home. I was so fucking tired when I got back, but could I rest...Hell no!!

My ex shows up and informs me that she is sending my two older kids to a fucking church camp this weekend. It is supposed to be my weekend with them. Normally I am fine with making changes when the kids have plans, but Church Camp!! It was nice of her to wait to the last minute and tell me too. I had already made plans with my kids for this weekend. We were supposed to go to a big Medieval Faire that they had been looking forward too. SO naturally it ended up in a huge fight.

Finally I just said the hell with it because I don't like fighting with her in front of the kids so I was just going to relent. Then my son who is 10 says that he did not want to go his mom was making him. Well that started a whole new fight. I swear she is so childish. At one point she called me a rather nasty name and started to walk away. All I did was reach out and grab her shoulder to stop her, and she spun around and started screaming that I was abusing her!! It was like the Twilight Zone. She actually said she was going to tell her mom!! What the Fuck!!

So now I don't know what is going to happen. I would let my kids go to the camp if they wanted to, but both have said that they don't. I don't want to force the issue with the psycho, but I feel I need to stand up for my kids.

Lesson in this for you that are playing along at home....DON'T GET MARRIED!

Not to mention that when I get to work today I find out that while I was gone people forgot how to function and decided to pile all their shit on me to take care of!! Fuckers!!


Blogger WarHammer said...

I swear that if I had a gun at that moment, I would have sprayed some serious lead.

June 16, 2005 9:04 PM  
Blogger Grilled Cheese Samurai said...

Lesson noted.

Thanks for the advice. :P

June 16, 2005 11:32 PM  

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